Easy Laser


The Company said that users were having some problems to do online schedules and because of that e-commerce’s users were abandoning the cart and others users were saying that the product page was confusing.

This Project is a practical exercise with a real client performed inside the course on Design Circuit, with weekly sessions of design critique. All these activities here were carried out individually.

My Contributions

• Desk Research
• Surveys
• Competitor analysis
• Heuristics Analysis
• Journey Map
• User Flow
• Information Architecture
• Wireframe
• HMW’s
• Usability Test
• UI design (mobile and desktop)

About EasyLaser

EasyLaser is a company specialized in aesthetic laser treatments. The principal product is laser hair removal and it also offers others treatments.

Today the company is based in Rio de Janeiro, with two units and it also offers options for franchising.



• Desk Research
• Competitor Analysis
• Survey
• Usability Test


• Heuristics Analysis
• Journey Map
• User Flow


• Card Sorting
• Wireframe


• UI Design
• Usability Test and iterate.

Final UI

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